Millennium hedge fund
Millennium hedge fund

The firm raised $2 billion for its Composite fund in April, as reported, after the fund had been mostly closed to new capital since 2013. Shaw Group ended the year with its flagship multi-strategy Composite Fund up 19.4%, while the firm’s Oculus fund, which is a more macro-oriented multi-strategy fund, returned 25.4%. Millennium Management finished the year up 25.8% and currently has $46.7 billion in assets under management. Citadel had $34 billion in assets under management as of Jan. The Chicago-based manager’s global fixed income fund finished up 17.5% and its tactical trading fund was up 20% for the year. Ken Griffin’s Citadel saw its flagship Wellington fund return 24.4%, the fund’s best performance in eight years, exceeding its 30-year annualized performance of 19%. “They were very quick to cut risk in February and March… They adapted very quickly.”įundFire Alts reviewed the 2020 performance numbers of many large hedge funds based on documents and sources familiar with the matter. “It was a very stark reminder of why people need hedge funds in their portfolios,” he says. While every year brings performance winners and losers, 2020 was a “home run” overall for hedge funds, says Darren Wolf, global head of alternatives for the alternative investment strategies team at Aberdeen Standard Investments. The index also had finished up 10.45% in 2019 after being down by 4.75% in 2018.

millennium hedge fund

HFRI’s fund-weighted composite index finished the year up 11.6% after being hit by COVID-19 induced volatility during the first quarter. Hedge funds finished 2020 strong with gains in November and December, according to data from Hedge Fund Research. Shaw Group all topped 20% returns in some of their leading funds in 2020, a year that saw the hedge fund industry overall finish in positive performance territory, having navigated intense volatility sowed by the global pandemic even after moving their workforces to remote settings.īut while the past year buoyed the industry’s value proposition for investors, it also brought performance dispersion among the largest players, experts say.

millennium hedge fund

Citadel, Millennium Management, and the D.E.

Millennium hedge fund